Friday, August 25, 2006


I can be so well-intentioned about blogging regularly and then before I know it, a month has gone by without a single posting. It's not that this has been an uneventful month - I spent a week at Junior Camp and work has had its own challenges as well. There's been some interesting current events that were worthy of commentary and other issues that needed some blog-ranting.
I think that this is a reflection of information overload in my brain thwarting my ability to get it typed out into the blog - I hesitate to blog if I don't have the exact words to express the moment or feeling I've experienced. Sometimes the sheer volume of information interferes with my blogging skills; I want to be concise, but have no clue how to do so.
So here's my short and sweet summary of the last few weeks:
Jr.Camp - awesome speaker in Arol McFadden; Karla-great job of worship leading; my tech stuff -glitch-free for once; weather -fabulous; children- generous in supporting their mission projects, funny, spiritually challenged; pictures can be seen at the Lightseekers website.
Work-another round of customer presentations done, yet another set next month.
Church -same stuff, but with some new opportunities coming soon.
Miscellaneous - some bad news that I rather not discuss right now. The bad people in my life and out in the world are still bad -they have yet to repent or be visited with divine retribution (darn). I would characterize my life as pretty good. No, I'm not suddenly rich, famous, popular or drop -dead gorgeous (all that's okay) nor have become Mother Theresa or Billy Graham either (that's all right too, but I do desire to reflect more Christ-like character).
Anyway, there you have my month. Maybe now I won't wait so long to post something because I waiting to craft "the special blog post."