June has always been one of my favorite months. Whether it is because it brings back memories of school letting out or because I usually take a week of vacation during June, it has a sense of freedom and rest that I don't quite experience the other 11 months of the year. It really doesn't have much to do with the weather; SoCal is infamous for its June Gloom -LNAEMLC (late night and early morning low clouds) that burns off by noon. I haven't experienced a summer vacation off from school since I graduated from college 21 years ago so it's not like the school memory is all that fresh, yet the thought of staying outside and playing until after 8pm with the sun still there shining brings bliss to my mind.
I took a week off last week to do work around the house and except for my weekend camping with the church, didn't make it outside much. I think that's why it has been so hard to come back to work this week -I didn't get the play I usually experience when I go to high school camp the last week of June (my HS camp counseling experience is postponed until August, TUSD doesn't get out in time for our kids to go to Thousand Pines this year; we had to find another camp instead.)
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