Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My Busy Week

Oh my! I have not had the opportunity to blog here for a week because I've had just too many things going on.

For one, I was gearing toward a big presentation at work, what we call a conceptual design review, where I had to prepare approximately 70 Powerpoint charts to be shown in front of a group of 20 or so of my technical peers. This had me working some late hours this past week and made me miss most of youth group last night. For those of you still in school, compare it to writing a 10 page paper or studying for finals.

Second, I did the unthinkable - I went shopping at the mall to get something new to wear at Laura's Baccalaureate Dinner and her Graduation from Talbot. I also had to make a run to the Guitar Center to pick up some supplies for the Worship Band.

There's a lot of stuff going on at church with Christmas coming in eleven days.

The good news is that tomorrow is my last day of work for 2005 and eventhough I have a lot to get done before I leave after lunch, I'm looking forward to more than 2 weeks off.

Perhaps I'll blog more during vacation -it will give me more time to rant.


Jeff said...

How did the presentation go?

Ann said...

It prompted a lot of discussion - my 90 minute time allocation drifted on the long side of two hours.
It wasn't much better for the guy who followed me although he only presented to 5 people, most had already left.
Still more work to do, but now it's "wait until next year." Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Job well done and Merry Christmas!