Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back From Winter Camp

Well, this past weekend I was at High School Camp with 50 students from my church. Although it was quite cold (around 32 degrees F Saturday night) and raining it was not quite cold enough for snow. The next night was even colder with temps in the mid-twenties, but not a cloud in the sky. Even without the snow the students seemed to have a good time, however my girls probably had the most fun trying to prank the boys -they never quite succeed at their pranks because they cannot remain quiet enough to stealthily sneak up on the boys. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. Pranking was not only reserved for the students who were at camp, but also for some of my former students who were at home. Take note of these photos posted on Laura's blog of what they did to my car.

Seriously, the speaker, Chris Simning, was great. He is a man with Cerebral Palsy and although he was sometimes difficult to understand, his message about Adam & Eve and the Fall of man was not. Some students really did get how much sin messes up God's paradise and how God, even knowing what we've done still seeks out after us. These students had an opportunity to share their sinful struggles with the others and receive encouragement. What was disturbing however, was the students who "confessed" only for the sake of shock value and where there seemed no attempt at repentance -"Hey this is what I'm doing, giggle, giggle, wink, wink."

Unfortunately, their need to "me too" in contrast to the ones who were genuinely sorrowful over their sin seemed to dilute the gravity of the moment and hindered true healing for those who were seeking it. There were also some who shared some horrific tales of rejection, loss and past abuse - no details will I give here. I shared from my own life and reminded these students that even in the midst of tremendous suffering at the hands of others, God can bring "beauty for ashes" out of their lives if we surrender those ashes to Him. Whether or not that encouraged anyone, I don't know, but I am one who knows the truth of that statement.

We'll now see if this was just another mountain top experience or if the Word that was implanted in them this weekend takes root and bears fruit.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Did anything positive happen from camp? Renewed commitments or anything like that?