Tuesday, November 25, 2008

School Days

So if you've been wondering where I've been instead of blogging, I have gone back to school. Yes, for the first time in more than twenty years, I have re-entered the world of academia to begin an MBA program from the University of Redlands held at my worksite. I'm more than half-way through my first class and it has been a real adjustment to have to do so much writing - afterall, as an engineering major, I never had to do much written work except in my G.E. classes. I will say that my blogging over the past few years has helped to enhance my writing skills and the websites that I regularly read help to challenge my thinking, both reading and writing being essential to doing well in this course.

Anyway, I'll try to come for air from time to time to blog about how things are going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've a dual purpose here, first, you finally posted...welcome to studenthood :-)

As for the lateness of my comment, this relates to the second purpose. I need to test my OpenID logon on a blog I don't have access to. One my regular commenters is having some issues commenting.

Anyhow, I look forward to reading some to the thought fodder that flows from your degree program.